God always answers our prayers; if there is a delay, it is because He has something better in mind for us. Don’t give up- we commit the mistake of giving up too soon thinking that God has forgotten us little realizing that He never forsakes His children. If you feel your prayers have not been answered, then keep praying, increase the intensity of your prayers till He gives you what you want. Latika Teotia
About This Quote

In the world, we are taught that no good deed goes unpunished. In our own homes, we often find bad things happening to us for no reason. In the Bible, it says that “God is not mocked” and “the Lord knows what you need before you ask Him.” If you had a goal in mind and it did not come to pass, did the Lord forget about you? Did he forget your prayer? No! He never forgets. When we pray for something and He doesn’t give it to us, it is because there is something better in store for us. We must keep praying.

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More Quotes By Latika Teotia
  1. You are not alone in your sorrow and suffering because the good Lord is suffering with you. He cannot see His children unhappy.

  2. If our foundation is on God, then our burden becomes His and we sail through smoothly.

  3. God’s mercy knows no bounds; His amazing miracles can heal even the most serious illness and make you come out of any difficult situation without a scratch. He can help you deal with all your relationship issues and remove all financial problems with one stroke....

  4. Materialistic things cannot make you truly happy; it’s your faith in God that can bring real satisfaction. And ofcourse, the love you give and receive will fill your life with cheer as well as laughter.

  5. Are you comprehending what God is trying to teach through those tests and trials which you are being made to undergo time and again??? If you are being put in a situation again and again, you must realize that He is trying to teach you...

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